Visual ACE-GOLD Enterprise Jewellery Business Management ERP Software (VAGE) is the latest next-generation version of a comprehensive Jewellery Business Management Solutions for Any Size, Any Type, Any Product/Service, backed by experience of 25+ years with thousands of jewellery clients. We are fairly confident to say that it may be the only jewellery ERP in the world with such credentials. In the core jewellery market like Dubai or UAE, VAGE (together will all previous versions of VAGE) is the most-popular, most-reputed jewellery ERP being used by majority of the market. read more...
VAGE comes from an array of Business Vertical ERPs of Visual ACE Enterprise Business Management Software (VA) that covers large Enterprise based software requirements, as well as SMEs for any other mainstream businesses of any type, any size, any product (more details on
Unique advantages/USPs of Visual ACE-GOLD, over any other competing software are as under:Visual ACE-GOLD Enterprise Jewellery Business Management ERP Software (VAGE) is the latest next-generation software launched by Emirates Business Management. The latest release is available for new jewellery clients, as well as for upgrade to existing jewellery clients. The details of VAGE are as under:
What is new?
EBM’s management are pioneers and first to start jewellery business management software 25 years ago – and has majority market-share – with continuous upgrades, support and proven track record till-date – backed by experience with 3000 jewellers in 30 countries! No other software can claim anything even near to this. There may be other software in the market – but they are either our cheap inferior clones, or based on our pirated source codes/technology by dishonest people looking for quick bucks!
Visual ACE-GOLD Jewellery Business Management Software (VAG) is the classic software by EBM, that is most popular software in the jewellery market, being used by the majority of the jewellers in the region.
Highlights of VAG
Visual ACE Gold.Net Enterprise Jewellery Business Management ERP Software (VA-GN) is the latest next-generation software launched by Emirates Business Management, based on .Net technology. The latest release is available for new jewellery clients, as well as for upgrade to existing jewellery clients. The details of VA-GN are as under:
What is new?
EBM’s management are pioneers and first to start jewellery business management software 25 years ago – and has majority market-share – with continuous upgrades, support and proven track record till-date – backed by experience with 3000 jewellers in 30 countries! No other software can claim anything even near to this. There may be other software in the market – but they are either our cheap inferior clones, or based on our pirated source codes/technology by dishonest people looking for quick bucks!
VAGE-JBIAS is short for Visual ACE-GOLD Enterprise Jewellery Business Intelligence & Analysis Software, that is available with following options:
E-Catalogue Jewellery Business Management Software is unique software to not only do Sales & Marketing through Jewellery Catalogues, but also to manage any Jewellery Business through Catalogue-based Transactions, Reports and Analysis.
Benefits of E-Catalogue Software
Features of E-Catalogue Software
Visual ACE-GOLD Enterprise Jewellery Business Management ERP Software (VAGE) provides several Advanced Modules/Solutions, to meet the high-end requirements of any jeweller – ranging from Inventory Automation to Advanced Business Intelligence and Analysis/Management Dashboards. These advanced Advanced Modules/Solutions can be selected at initial stage or added anytime
later when the business expands. Over 25 years, backed by experience with thousands of jewellers for different part of the world with different requirements, VAGE has developed a vast array of Advanced Modules/Solutions that cannot be matched by any other ERP Software.
Details of some of the VAGE Advanced Modules/Solutions are as under:
Main Features:
The RFID solution meets the need for jewellers to do daily instant stock-checking, quick sale or stock transfer of hundreds of items, without wasting much time or efforts. We provide an integrated RFID solution for the same – linked with the most popular Visual ACE-GOLD Jewellery Business Management Software, or any other software (please check with us).
Benefits of RFID
Main Features of the RFID Solution